The Incarnation
It was on March 25 that Adam and Eve were created. It was on March 25 that Our Lord was conceived in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It was on March 25 that Jesus died on the Cross for us, on Mount Calvary. All these events occurred in the simple innocence and charm of God's liturgical love at three o'clock in the afternoon. Saint John the Baptist was beheaded on March 25, one year before the death of Our Lord. By way of title, March 25 is call the Feast of the Annunciation. To show how much Our Lady still lives this day in the calendar of her affection and remembrance, it was on March 25, 1858, that the Blessed Virgin Mary said to Marie Bernadette at Lourdes, "I AM THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION".Helfen Sie uns mit einer Spende, die Andacht zu Muttergottes in Deutschland zu verbreiten.
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